Now you have a missing tooth, something else gets missing too – the confidence you once had when those pearly set of teeth was still complete. It always doesn’t feel right. It seems too awkward to smile back to your crush when he said “Hi,” or laugh at the world’s funniest joke ever told. It embarrasses you, makes chewing relatively difficult, and causes you to be grumpy-looking. Worse, if the problem doesn’t go away, it’ll cause facial structure changes, bone loss, and teeth drifting. So if the world was ever a wish-granting factory, the first on your list would be having a tooth replacement.
At Tooth Spa Dentistry, your wish is our command! You’re even given with two options on teeth replacement – a bridge and crown or a dental implant. If you’re unsure which to choose, Tooth Spa Dentistry gives our patients comprehensive information on our services so they’ll come up with the best dental option. We’ve been serving the communities with our Dental Care in Sterling Parkway Lincoln CA with our elite clinic. If you have any questions or clarifications, please feel free to call us directly at 916-209-3708.
Bridge is a common knowledge to most people, but a dental implant is becoming today’s solid alternative. If you wish to have your tooth replaced with something artificial yet resemble an actual tooth, go for dental implants. Consult our dentist from our Dental Care in Sterling Parkway Lincoln CA to help you make the best decision for your needs.
Always remember that you’re making a choice that you have to live for day by day. So it’s important to make the right and best choice for you.
- It will help you chew efficiently as before, as implants add forces to the jaw, working to support the bone structure.
- You won’t worry that your artificial tooth will break as you eat because it has a natural look and feel, concealing as part of your real set of teeth.
- Its adjacent teeth will not be affected. Bridges, on the other hand, would require grinding down of neighboring teeth. But dental implants need not to go that far.
- Implants provide a proven and tested quality. They are designed to meet the highest quality standards in tooth replacement as supported by the many positive outcomes of scientific studies and research.
Let’s have a closer look on what “bridge” really is: A bridge is a frame that has two crowns with a false tooth attached to it. It requires three parts since two healthy teeth need to be grinded to serve as the bridge’s anchors.
Tooth Spa Dentistry will replace a missing tooth (or several teeth) by joining an artificial tooth permanently to adjacent teeth. A bridge is fabricated upon which the abutment teeth are reduced in size to accommodate the material to be used to restore the size and shape of the original teeth in a correct alignment and contact with the opposing teeth. A bridge may be less expensive than an implant, but its lifetime is as long as others.
Learn more about implants and bridges today! Schedule an appointment at our Dental Care in Sterling Parkway Lincoln CA. Our team of dental care experts is ready to take care of your needs
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